Non-Surgical Body Shaping treatment For Reducing Fat & Tightening Skin

Lipodissolve in Colonial Heights VA

Sculpt Your Body. Skip the Surgery. Non-Invasive Shaping Solution

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What is Lipodissolve?

Lipodissolve "liquid lipo" is a procedure that involves micro-injections of Phosphatidylcholine Deoxycholate (PCDC), naturally found in the body, to reduce and destroy unwanted fat allowing our body to permanently rid fat cells. It is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. Lipodissolve is not for weight loss. If weight loss is your main goal, we recommend you join our weight loss program first. Once you reach your weight loss goal, we recommend lipodissolve to be performed on target-specific areas for best results.

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Lipodissolve Recommended Treatment Protocol and Post-Procedure Care

A minimum of 3-6 treatments spaced out 4-6 weeks apart are recommended. Please keep in mind the number of sessions needed may vary depending on body type and desired results. This will be discussed at your consultation. Eating a high protein, low fat, and carb diet, and drinking plenty of water along with exercise is recommended after the procedure to achieve the best results.

The most common areas treated include:

  • Abdomen
  • Love handles
  • Inner thigh
  • Arms
  • Bra fat
  • Chin

What Our Clients Say About Us

“Amazing customer service from start to finish. The entire team at APlus made my experience personable and comfortable. The aesthetics of the office was modern and did not feel like a clinic”


“I got my first round of injections today from Dr. Crystal Hubbard Alexander at her new practice. Listen it felt so good to speak with a doctor who not only looks like me, but educated me on my options and also taught me how to eat properly after my injections. She has a weekly customer in me! Today I did the B12 and Lipo injections! I can’t wait to finish getting snatched alll the way together.”


"Upon entering the building I was already hooked.. very well decorated, and smelled excellent(didn't have the doctor's office smell) Dr. Crystal Alexander, really cares about the well-being of her patients. Awesome place of business definitely a 5-star rating."


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